The Leader Lawyers Law Firm offers trainings in legal matters choosen by the Client.
To make Our training attractive for You, our Law Firm is working with a psychologist Ewa Lisowska- Kania and Vademecum – Conferences and Training sp. z o. o. training company, which allows us to formulate the problem in a multifaceted way, diversifying the presentation of knowledge obtained from experts in related fields, and thus making the trainee interested presented subject. It is very important for us to interact with those involved in the training, so it always consists of two parts: teaching and workshops involving the mutual solving of problematic issues.
The Leader Lawyers Law Firm offers training tailored for Our Client, as evidenced by the themes of ready-made trainings:
- Nursing home – staff, residents, local environment.
- Managerial functions in social assistance.
- New challenges for the director of the nursing home.
- Psychological profile of nursing home residents, how to conduct the supporting and activating training for the residents suffering from psychotic disorders.
- Rights and freedoms of the residents, direct coercion against the nursing home residents, tasks and competencies of employees in the light of law, processes and procedures.
- The subjectivity of people with intellectual disabilities.
- Rights of nursing home residents and directions of conducting therapy and methods of work with children and youth with intellectual disabilities.
- The “Family 500+” programme from the perspective of an administrative body, conditions, the procedure and terms of payment of benefits, theoretical and practical aspects of the application of the law.
- Nursing Home as an administrative facility. The legal status of nursing home, the concept of governance, the competence of social workers.
- Managing the large residential community. Competences of the Management, Board of Community and managing the large housing community. Competences of the Management, the Community and the Administrator.
- Indemnification of Housing Communities.
- Claim compensation from the offender’s insurance policy for traffic incident.
Persons interested in the cooperation with the Leader Lawyers Law Firm in terms of training preparation are invited to contact us. We take into account all your needs while preparing the offer and training plan.